Mission & Vision


To nurture young talents into globally competitive, socially committed professionals with creativity, innovation, and environmental consciousness



To become a center of excellence in knowledge and technology, producing globally competitive professionals who contribute to society.


Mission of IHRD

  • To provide education and training of consistently high stands through innovative and versatile programmes that are responsible to the current and emerging needs of the community
  • To ensure that the aim of education is realized not only in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, but also in the attainment of wisdom and judgement indispensable to their proper application.
  • To provide leadership and support in ensuring life long learning, which promotes the total development of the individual and society in which the person functions.
  • To pursue optimal and flexible systems management concepts and techniques for fulfilment of institutional objects and aspirations.
  • To empower those interested to benefit, by making use of the knowledge, experience and expertise gained by the institute